Privacy Policy

LB IMO, Real Estate Mediation, Luís Salvador Gomes Baptista, Real Estate Broker, with registered office at Praceta Mestre de Aviz, Lote 4 1 DTO, 2765-304 ESTORIL, with NIF 135412170, holder of AMI license no. 15691, issued by the Institute of Public Markets, Real Estate and Construction I.P. (IMPIC, I.P.), owner of the web registration describes the privacy policy of the same site.

Protection of Personal Data

1- In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679,the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27 (GDPR), Law No. 58/2019 of August 8 and other applicable legislation, with regard to the processing of data and personal data and the free movement of such data, the visitor/user who authorizes and gives his consent that his personal data collected, transmitted or processed by the Mediator/website, be incorporated into his database. This data is for administrative, statistical and presentation procedures for marketed products or services.

2 - The Mediator undertakes, inter alia, not to copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, alter, delete, destroy, disclose or otherwise make available to third parties the personal data of the visitor/user of the website.

3- The collection of data described above, includes the introduction of the same, in the area of Contact us or by the use of "Cookies". The uses a technology called "Technical Cookies", in order to be able to collect interactions that you can perform on our website, whenever you have authorized such collection.

Luis Gomes

Legal Representative